
Your Teen

Growing up is vastly different, now, from when we were teenagers.  The world is at our teen’s fingertips and as a result so too are the stressors that would normally be reserved for adulthood.  The teens that I work with are ready to be leaders and they are ready to learn to thrive in the fast paced world that we live in.  They are ready to learn more about themselves and to learn easy tools to manage stress, worry and anxiety and insecurity.

I am passionate about working with teens and find that they are very quick to incorporate the lessons and tools that we work through during our time together.


Teens enjoy relating and telling their stories in the safety and comfort of a non-judgmental relationship.  Coaching is perfect for teens who need some space to shine and be seen and be free of the old patterns of insecurity.

The space that we create is so safe that it allows for teens to open up and shift in to their truly remarkable, talented and confident selves.  It is an honor to be a part of this process and help your young adult discover their strengths and learn to manage their weaknesses.

Sessions are 30 minutes long and in person or via zoom.



Teens are incredibly fast learners and I find that hypnotherapy sets them up for quick success when it comes to shifting old habits or patterns. They quickly reset and repattern themselves to become the confident version of themselves free of bad habits, overwhelm or lack of confidence.

The sessions include both coaching and hypnotherapy for a powerful combination helping your teen discover the patterns of thought and behaviors that are not serving them and choosing to replace them with healthy ones.

Sessions are 90 minutes long and in person or via zoom.


Tell Your Story

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Leaders of Tomorrow

Click here to reserve your teen’s spot




Contact Kristen here if you have and questions or scholarship needs

