Remove Obstacles to Your Dream Life!

Life is an emanation from the heart. All in all, we are here to be an empty vessel for life’s creation. True joy comes when we are no longer cluttered with thoughts and instead re-discover our true state of being. Life is filled with more ease. As a matter of fact, life becomes more magical! 

Allow me guide you to the place within where your dreams already exist and remove obstacles to creating the life you deserve! 

Click below to ask Kristen Sofia a question about your situation:

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Contact Kristen to set up a 30 minute mini session. Click on the button to connect schedule this now!


Above all, if you’re not sure what you are looking for…don’t stress, allow me to help you make a plan.

Private Mindset Coaching

Experience a soothing and healing environment to discover your blocks to what you deserve to manifest. As a result, you’ll be guided back to your state of inner peace and find clarity around the steps you need to create your unique life.

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Healing Hypnotherapy

Reprogram your inner world and landscape & subsequently, remove blocks to your dream life!  As a result, you will clear the path to what you desire to manifest. Dream relationship, wealth, purpose, health & healing can all naturally happen due to these powerful sessions!

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Teens Coaching/Hypnotherapy

Give your teen a head start in life! Your teen will discover their strengths and learn how to manage the overwhelm that they experience. They will be encouraged to practice good communication and make healthy choices as well as address any insecurities and bad habits that they have picked up.

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I felt more than anything Kristen was a rock to hold space and give me perspective. She came into my life at the perfect time and guided me through this transition. I feel with her support,  I  was able to come out the other side from feelings of depression and grief to love and gratitude. I was able to get back to a place of deep peace and acceptance within my being and I am deeply grateful.

You have reached her [my daughter] like nobody else has or could! Your time with her is not only valued by her but necessary!! You have gifted her with skills that give her happiness, security and you have taught her how to pull herself back up when she’s down. I cannot thank you enough!!!! You have a gift and should share it with the world!!


Valentina Productions, LLC


Kristen Sofia Valentina

Please contact me:



Tuesday-Thursday 930-230 & occasional weekend/evenings


Facebook: One Brave Spirit Hypnotherapy & Coaching

Instagram: ValentinaKristen